About Hoof Care 101

A horse named chase

Welcome to Hoof Care 101, a website dedicated to providing you with the best tips and advice on how to care for your horse’s hooves. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced horse owner, you will find useful information on this site to help you keep your horse’s feet healthy and strong.

Who am I?

My name is Josh Emsley, and I am the founder and owner of Hoof Care 101. I am a second generation farrier with over 30 years of experience in hoof trimming, shoeing, and treating various hoof problems. I have worked with horses of pretty much all breeds, disciplines, and levels.

I have always been passionate about horses and their well-being, especially their hooves. I believe that the hoof is the foundation of the horse, and that proper hoof care is essential for the horse’s performance, comfort, and longevity. I created this website to share my knowledge and experience with other horse owners who want to learn more about how to care for their horse’s hooves.

What can you find on this site?

On this site, you will find articles and resources on various topics related to hoof care, such as:

How can you contact me?

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this site or hoof care in general, please feel free to contact me through one of the methods available on Hoof Care 101 or directly at [email protected] . I would love to hear from you and help you with your hoof care needs.