Winter Hoof Care: Essential Tips for Healthy Hooves in Cold Weather


Winter presents unique challenges for horse hoof care. The cold, wet conditions, coupled with less activity, can lead to various hoof issues. This article delves into specific winter hoof care tips to ensure your horse’s hooves stay healthy during the colder months.

Regular Hoof Maintenance

Even in winter, regular trimming and balancing of the hooves are vital. Hooves continue to grow, albeit at a slower pace, and neglect can lead to imbalances and structural issues.

Key Tips:

  • Stick to a regular farrier schedule, even if your horse is less active.
  • Monitor the hoof growth and wear, adjusting the trimming schedule as needed.

Moisture Management

Excessive moisture from snow, ice, and mud can soften hooves, making them more susceptible to damage and disease.

Key Tips:

  • Ensure that your horse’s environment is well-drained to avoid prolonged hoof exposure to moisture.
  • Regularly check and clean hooves to prevent the buildup of ice and snow, which can cause discomfort and uneven weight distribution.
  • Use barrier products to help protect hooves from excessive moisture.

Traction and Footwear

In areas with snow and ice, consider specialized footwear to prevent slipping and provide better traction.

Key Tips:

  • Discuss with your farrier about snow pads and horseshoes with caulks and/or pins. Borium tipped nails are another option as well.
  • For horses that go barefoot, ensure their hooves are properly trimmed to provide natural grip.

Diet and Nutrition

A balanced diet is crucial for maintaining hoof health, especially in winter when nutritional needs may change.

Key Tips:

  • Provide a diet rich in essential nutrients like biotin, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for hoof health.
  • Ensure access to clean, unfrozen water to promote overall health and prevent dehydration.

Hoof Checks and Care

Frequent checks can catch early signs of issues like cracks, chips, or thrush.

Key Tips:

  • Inspect hooves regularly for any signs of damage or disease.
  • Keep the hooves clean and dry. Pay special attention to the frog and sole, areas where infections like thrush can develop.

Shelter and Bedding

Proper shelter and bedding can prevent prolonged exposure to damp conditions.

Key Tips:

  • Provide a dry, clean stable or shelter.
  • Use appropriate bedding materials to absorb moisture and provide warmth.


Winter hoof care requires attention to detail and proactive management. By following these tips and working closely with your farrier and veterinarian, you can ensure your horse’s hooves remain healthy and strong throughout the winter season. Remember, preventive care is key to avoiding more serious hoof problems.